Join ITAF live demo: New system for customer support

Join ITAF live demo

On Monday, June 28th, 2021, ITAF will be switching to the new system for customer support (tickets).

Continuous Improvement

The entire ITAF team works hard every day to continuously improve the services that they provide to the customers. This continuous service improvement takes many shapes and forms, including improving technical standards, improving documentation and guidelines as well as expanding product and service portfolio.

It aims at making the services easier to use, making them more reliable, more secure, and more complete. Most of the time, these improvements happen in baby steps and often are not even directly visible to customers. Now and then though, ITAF takes a visible leap forward. Switching to the new system for customer support is an example of such a leap.

This transition will allow ITAF to take customer service to the next level, as this change will directly impact how customers interact with ITAF.

Online Live Demos

ITAF is organizing two online live events to present the new cases interface in the ITAF Service Center web portal, followed by a Q&A session. The event is expected to last for about 20 minutes. Anyone can join it by clicking on one of the links below. No prior reservation is needed.

Thursday 24 June 16:00 (Dutch)

Thursday 24 June 17:00 (English)


The recordings will be made available afterwards.

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