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Why choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

Why choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

You’ve probably already heard about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. But faced with the avalanche of ERP solutions, how to be sure that the chosen solution will meet your needs? And what is the most sensible approach to choose and implement? If now is the time for your business to choose a new ERP system, here is some information that can help you with this important decision.

The current market is flooded with large and very efficient ERP systems, and it can be difficult to get a clear picture of best options for your company. I’s very important to make sure that chosen solution is right for your business and can be implemented sustainably.

Microsoft had some big impact last year by launching Dynamics 365 Business Central. Since its launch, Business Central has had a rapid success helping international companies streamline operations and reduce operating costs. This success can be explained by the three main strengths of the system: compliance, customization and flexibility. Let’s look at these advantages more closely and see why choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central:


International companies need to comply with the local regulations in the countries they operate. This also apply on the software they use. Business Central allows your company to adjust settings so that your data is stored and backed up according to local regulations. Reporting in other languages and currencies is also facilitated.


Business Central offers a wide range of standard productivity tools and you can add an unlimited number of dimensions to any type of registry for further analysis. Unlike other ERPs, Business Central is designed on a single platform, making it easy to update. This saves your business time and money without losing valuable data.


The cloud-based ERP system makes business access easier and lets you manage how to keep all the information of your business. Easily modifiable, the system is ideal for SMEs who want to use only the resources they need.

How to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to suit your business needs?

To achieve this, your business need an implementation partner who knows how to tailor a Business Central solution to your business strategy. At ITAF, we understand the importance of a long-term perspective, and we implement Business Central that it can adapt to your changing strategy.

Our experts can help you put in place a clear Business Central strategy, with company-aligned goals and achievable roadmaps for your solution, your organization, and your business approach. We will help you with development and validation of your business case, and get an overview of the budget, scope of the project and planning. In other words, we make sure that you are ready to make the right decisions before, during and after the implementation.

Once we get to the point of the practical part of the implementation, your team will be closely involved in implementation with us. This allows your business to develop the internal know-how and capabilities you need to drive organizational change until you get the system up and running. This is a very effective and long-term approach to implementing a Business Central solution.

Do you have questions about Microsoft Dynamics Business Central or our ERP implementation services?

Contact ITAF for a free quote.

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